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To achieve this, we are increasing our work experience opportunities for students (18 years old or above) in 2023 to develop practical skills that are essential for their growth and development as employees. Our primary goal is for students to take away the following from their time at MPG:

  • Access networking opportunities and exploring interests in an industry they are interested in
  • To apply the knowledge and skills learnt in the classroom and further develop them
  • To gain insight into working life, the working environment and challenge themselves to broaden their horizons
  • To gain possible opportunities for post graduate employment Contribute to enriching and adding value to their CV
  • Opportunity for them to make a difference

MPG’s promise to work experience candidates:

  • Offer a full induction programme which mirrors that of a new employe
  • Offer equal opportunities to all students reinforcing our core values of inclusion, strength in diversity & equality
  • Offer experience in varied roles within the team to enable exploration of a wide range of skills and exposure to the different aspects of the business
  • Experienced MPG staff available to devote and volunteer their time and skills to support and guide candidates through their MPG journey

If you are interested in a work experience opportunity with us, please complete the form by scanning the barcode available on this page. Additionally, we kindly ask that you familiarize yourself with our Work Experience Guidance.

Apply Here